Our Story
Aspatria Dreamscheme is a youth & community project (charity no.1142978). we are based in the small rural market town of Aspatria in North-West Cumbria. Our original purpose was to work with young people over the medium to long term to raise aspirations, improve social welfare and build mental and emotional resilience by providing activities that challenge their view of the world and offering opportunities to grow and achieve their goals in a safe constructive environment.
Our work primarily focuses on disadvantaged young people between the ages of 11-19yrs. Many of those we work with have few education or employment opportunities, are largely isolated from wider society beyond the boundaries of the town and are starved of the recreational and leisure choices which are taken for granted by young people in larger communities. Many display emotional problems and behavioural issues and lack belief in them-selves or in any potentially brighter future.
Quite a few of our young people choose to stay with us as they grow older and become young leaders and volunteers. Those that do so are supported to develop their skills further and are encouraged to participate is as many training and personal development opportunities as possible to help build their C.V.’s and enhance their employability.
Over recent years Aspatria Dreamscheme has also reached out into the wider community and provided further opportunities for older and younger members of our small town to meet together regularly and take part in both fun and challenging community learning opportunities.

'15th Brithday Celebration with the High Sheriff of Cumbria'
Meet The Team

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