No Limits is a weekly session ran every Thursday 6-8pm for Autistic young people ages 11-25yrs and is ran by volunteers/parents. It came about by a chance conversation with some parents at a support group for children with Autism in West Cumbria who mentioned that there was no provision for their children as they reached puberty.
With Funding already provided via Cumbria Community Foundation No Limits was born and is now in its second year. This is a small but closely knit group of young people and parents who are very supportive. Activities change from week to week depending on a variety of circumstances and are mainly held on site but we have lots of fun activities which our young people enjoy off site too, here are a few:
- Baking
- Christmas sack making/
- Glass painting/slime making/arts & crafts
- X box
- Boogie Bus trip to MacDonald’s
- Trampolines
- Indoor games/swimming trip
“My son has become more social and he interacts with his peers and has developed a wicked sense of humour since joining No Limits. As a parent I find the sessions so supportive and it is nice to meet other parents that are in the same situation as myself” …Parent
No Limits is funded by Stobbarts Ltd, Cumberland Building Society & Joyce Wilkinson Trust (via Cumbria Community Foundation)